Saturday, November 12, 2016

An appeal to all friends of all persuasions...

Social media friends - ALL of you. Those I've only known for a few years - those I've been connected with for millennia - those I went to high school and college with. I want to talk. I NEED to talk. We all need to talk. Day late and a dollar short? I sure hope not. This is not a time to crawl back into our corners and bubbles. This is OUR country at stake - all of ours - we all need to engage with one another. Left, right, liberal, conservative, white collar, blue collar - ALL collars! We've lost the tact for this art. We need to get it back.

In the aftermath of last Tuesday's election - my initial feelings of surprise, disappointment, and despair started to take a turn towards optimism and hope. Getting back home from NYC and Florida to my country home, my beautiful wife, and my sweet son - was some real medicine - I could feel my blood being filtered and cleansed just by the sight of them and our long, tight hugs.

I regret to say that reality - sure, my reality - but a reality that is all-too-real for many - has come back and sobered me. I understand that this was an election - one in which there was always going to be an end result that I'd either be pleased with - or disappointed in. And in turn - if the end result would turn out to be one that saddened me - that would have to mean that there's about half of our country that is immensely pleased with the result of the election. I understand and fully accept that.

This was a legitimate election - the results of which I must and do accept. We have to start there. Sure - we can have conversations about our voting system, voter suppression, voter fraud (or a lack thereof), the antiquated electoral college, etc. But like golf - we play in good faith, by the rules - and when we find our ball tucked behind an oak tree - you have to play that little guy as it lies - or else you undermine the spirit of what makes the game worth playing in the first place.

So - to my point and my plea. I need to do something right now - something that helps me accomplish a number of things. The list below is not exhaustive - but it's a start. I need to:

  • Maintain my sanity and optimistic outlook on life.
  • Engage, connect and reconnect with friends and acquaintances in my life.
  • Understand and empathize with people who don't quite share the same worldview as me.
  • Be seen and understood.

I haven't quite figured out the best way to achieve this - but my idea for now centers on wishing to write. Regularly. Not here on FB - but rather on a private Blog. I'd like to use the blog to work out my thoughts, my feelings, my fears / concerns - but also as a platform in which to have a conversation with friends and family. I want to engage with anyone who has something they need to express in order to be understood. I think I'd primarily try to do this by starting conversations with friends via email. And then, with your consent and trust - I'd like to post our conversations to my blog that I feel would be helpful and illuminating to myself and others.

If this interests you - please private message me. Send me your preferred, private email address so that I can write you and start a dialogue. I know we're all busy with life, work, family, children - but we can make the time for each other. We have to.

That's all for now - I hope this interests many of you - especially those of you that I know are ideologically opposed to the way in which I view the world. But I have a hunch that these differences aren't quite as great as they feel right now. I think we can turn this ship around and head in a direction that doesn't have a thousand-foot waterfall with jagged rocks at the bottom of it. That's my hope.

I look forward to hearing from anyone and everyone.

With love,
